10-12 Mediterranean Cucumbers
3 Peeled cloves of garlic
1 Chopped Chilly Green/red paper
1 Liter cold water
4 teaspoons of salt
1 Batch of dill
Take a medium-sealed glass jar & wash it in hot tap water, then dry it.
Clean & wash the Cucumbers (cut their nip if they have one), then dry them.
Place the garlic cloves & chilly paper on the bottom of the glass jar.
Place the Cucumbers in the jar (standing)
Put the salt in the cold tap water and steer it well until the salt is melted in the water
Pour the salted water into the glass jar, making sure it covers the Cucumbers.
Place the dill on top of the Cucumbers and pour more water into the end of the glass jar
Let it sit closed for 4-5 days until you see it become pickled.