Healthy Aging
200H Yoga Teacher Training
22 Days intensive - Instructed in English
Training Dates
Will be published
22 days / 21 nights
Package Price
1 Person
In a single room
Tota price
1 Person
In a shared room of 2
Tota price
Yoga Alliance®
Skill level:
All levels
Werra Meissner, Hessen, Germany
1 Person
In a shared room of 3-5
Tota price
Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga
Our Yoga Teachers Training focuses on bringing out the knowledge and wisdom you have gained from your own yoga practice and giving you the skills, confidence, and qualifications to transmit them to others.
You begin teaching from the first sessions and get valuable feedback, encouragement, and training to grow as a teacher. We use modern learning techniques as traditional ones to suit your style of learning for the greatest efficiency.
During the training, you will develop your understanding of yogic philosophy and sacred texts and find your original way to bring it to yourself and your class's awareness.

Requirements for training
Before joining this 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Course,
pls check if you fulfill these requirements:
A high level of self-motivation is required
for all aspects of the training.
The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important to us!
You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course is conducted in English.
You have to be open-minded and interested to learn the ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.
If you are pregnant please provide a medical certificate.
You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.
You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any major injuries.
You have to attain all classes, avoid drugs, cigarettes, and coffee during training
Daily Structure & Schedule
This schedule is not fixed and can be changed. The final schedule will be presented on the day of arrival.
06:30 - 08:30 Pranayama / asana / Mantra / Meditation
08:30 – 09:00 Fruit / Tea
09:00 – 11:00 Yoga theory
11:00 – 12:00 Brunch
12:00 – 14:00 Break & Self study
14:00 – 15:45 Asana alignment
15:45 – 16:15 Fruit / Tea
16:15 – 17:00 Teaching Class
17:00 - 18:00 Mantra chanting / Pranayama / Meditation
18:00 - 19:00 Dinner
19:00 – 20:00 Break
20:00 - 21:00 Yoga Nidra / Yin Yoga / Meditation

Program highlights
In this 200h Yoga course, you will lay a strong foundation in traditional Hatha Yoga, as this is the asana-based practice all other Yoga styles developed from.
You will learn the Hatha Yoga asanas and their alignment and how to sequence them in your Hatha Yoga classes. To deepen your own practice we also included Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and Raja Yoga Teaching.
After completing this training we want you to understand the foundation and roots of Yoga, the importance of this ancient philosophy in our daily life, and how to bring these teachings into the world.
To ensure the quality of your teaching, you will start teaching from the first day and get the support to find your original way of teaching.
Retreat Practicum, in between summer and winter training you will be able to join Gaia Retreats as an assistant, explore different teachers and your way to support and bring your light and wisdom into the teaching.
Get a one to one support to establish your own yoga Business.
Included in the price

Bedding + 2 towels per person
All Meals & light snacks
Yoga Teachers Training Booklet
All 200 Hours classes
Tea & refreshments all-day
All Sauna sessions
Free Parking
Free wifi
V.A.T Tax
Not included in the price

Arrival and departure
Personal & leisure expenses
Travel insurance
Training Topics
Introduction to the philosophy and goals of yoga, history and ways of yoga, main schools of yoga masters
Hatha Yoga
A path to health and well-being, stress management, as a therapy and healing method, for the further development of mental capacity, the path through the body to the mind Preparatory exercises:
Sensitive and physical attention, mental exercises, warm-up exercises, eye exercises, sun salutation
YOG- NIDRA (Relaxation)
Classic relaxation, yoga nidra as a relaxation technique for daily life, progressive muscle relaxation as modern stress management
ASANAS (Yoga postures)
In the intensive teaching practice, you will learn how asanas and pranayama are taught professionally. The daily asana practice, which is important for this, gives you the opportunity to practice the asanas and gives you the habit of practicing regularly. In the training we will deal with:
● Sun Salutation
● 12 basic Yoga-postures
● 100 Asana-Variations from intermediate to advanced
● Postural alignments
● Deep relaxation with autosuggestion
● Release of energy blockages
● Increase in physical flexibility and fitness
● Improvement of the ability to concentrate
● rid the body of excess fat
● control of emotions
● Relief of chronic complaints such as constipation, rheumatism,
● stomach complaints, headaches
● Stabilization of the circulation
● Stabilization of the thyroid functions
● Young and supple muscles into old age
● Expansion of the capacity of the lungs
● Relaxation of the nervous system
● Alignment of the two hemispheres of the brain
● Cleaning of the nadis (subtle energy channels)
● Awakening the inner spiritual energy
● Kapalabhati (Lung cleansing exercise)
● Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing)
● Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Bhastrika, Sitali, Sitkari, Bhramari
● Samanu (Spiritual purification of the nadis)
● The three Bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana
● Vegetarianism: Ethical, spiritual, and health reasons
● How nutrition affects the mind
● The right balance of the main nutrients
● Ayurvedic principles of nutrition
● Healing effects of fasting
Shat Kriyas as six purification techniques according to the classic yoga text "Hatha Pradipika":
● Tratak (eye cleansing)
● Neti (nasal rinse)
● Kapalabhati (lung cleansing)
● Dhauti (throat and nose cleansing)
● Nauli (small intestine cleansing)
● Basti (colon cleansing)
● Shank Prakshalama (whole bowel cleansing)
● Introduction to the most important body systems
● The effects of asanas and pranayama on: the cardiovascular
● system, respiration, digestion, skeletal and muscular system,
● endocrine system
● The eight systems of the body
● Yoga and physical culture
● Diet and Nutrition
● Understanding the physical body in relation to yogic practice:
● Muscle and bone structure, respiratory System,
● Digestive System, Nervous and Endocrine Systems, Physiological
● Effects of yoga and exercise, sports medicine theory and research
What is Causes of illnesses, yogic remedies for illnesses such as colds, hay fever, headaches, allergies and constipation, yoga as therapy: staying healthy through mental training
Health and Disease- Life According to three Dosha Type, Ayurvedic Food
Tantra and Kundalini Yoga
Theory of energy training: Shiva-Shakti philosophy; The astral bodies: Prana, Nadis, Chakras, Kundalini astral world and life after death, help for the deceased, opening of the chakras.
Raja Yoga
Mentaltraining and Meditation; The human psyche: Subconscious, conscious, superconscious
● Raja Yoga Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
● Yamas and Niyamas
● The eight limbs of Raja Yoga
● Thought power and positive thinking
● Thoughts as the creator of your destiny
● Development of memory, willpower, concentration, creativity
● and intuition
● Dealing with feelings and emotions
● Affirmation and visualization
● Charisma and personal charm
● Overcoming negative habits
● Levels of consciousness and expansion of consciousness
● Indian and Western philosophy in comparison
● Guide to meditation
● What is meditation?
● Why meditate?
● Physical and mental meditation
● 12 steps of daily practice
● Effects and experiences in meditation
● Mantras-spiritual energy in sound
● Mantra Initiation (if desired)
Meditation techniques, concentration,
and awareness in daily life
● Mantra meditation
● Tratak
● Chakra meditation
● Energy meditation
● Consciousness Meditation
● Extension Meditation
● Abstract meditation
● Creative visualization
● Levels of meditation
● Overcoming the obstacles in meditation
● Experience with meditation and scientific research
Karma Yoga
● Karma Yoga as a practice of selfless service to reduce one's own
● ego, keeps you fit and healthy, and gives immeasurable joy
● Within the training, you are asked to participate in certain tasks
● for the community such as cooking, cleaning, office, and the like.
● Law of cause and effect
● Samsara-the wheel of birth and death
Bhakti Yoga
● Kirtan: Singing the classic Sanskrit mantras
● Indian gods and their cosmic meaning
● Arati and Pujas (traditional Indian rituals)
● Singing to open the heart and purify the mind:
● With daily chanting one develops a strong sense of devotion
● and very deep pure vibration. Correct pronunciation, devotional
● attitude, and awareness of importance are important.
Jnana Yoga
● Basic concepts of the Vedanta philosophy
● The 7 Bhoomikas as levels of consciousness
● Space, time and causality
● The three bodies
● The three levels of the mind
● Overcoming death
Satsang means to be in company with the truth and the wise. The Satsang course consists of half an hour of meditation, half an hour of chanting, and a lecture/reading on aspects of the yoga philosophy. This helps to develop a strong and steady meditation practice that opens or strengthens the path to peace and happiness.
● Basics of yoga teaching
● Personality and inner attitude of a yoga teacher
● Rhetoric training
● Structure of a yoga class
● Corrections and alignments
● Beginner courses
● Courses for advanced learners
● workshops
● Yoga for the back and spine
● Correction of posture through yoga
● Yoga during pregnancy
● Yoga for Children
● Yoga for seniors
● Advantages and limitations of yoga therapy
● How to teach the 12 basic settings and breathing exercises for
● beginners and advanced learners
● Creating a suitable environment for the class
● General information on lessons
● Basis of Sivananda Yoga
● Relaxation
● Detailed correction
● Yoga teacher: business or hobby
● Yoga teacher business model
● Implementation of yoga courses, workshops, retreats,
● Building a yoga studio
● Training of yoga teachers
● Marketing
● Creating a website or flyer
● Use of media
Leading instructor: Anjuly Rudolph
Practicing yoga with Anjuly is a special and one-of-a-kind encounter because she shares personal and intimate insights from her own life experience from which her students can benefit. In her classes, Anjuly keeps a close eye on the needs of the students, adapting to questions that might arise and offering individual care to those in need.
During this unique session, you will meet yourself in a new context with Anjuly acting as a mirror for you to see what you are truly capable of. Anjuly’s teaching style is based on very traditional and profound knowledge.
She has her own Yoga Studio in Bon, Germany.

Assistant: Anat Feingold
A yoga and meditation teacher, health coach, and spiritual guide, certified in Yoga Vidya Germany after learning the deep meditative approach of Vijnana Yoga and Yoga Therapy in Israel.
What does yoga mean for me?
Yoga means Union, a union between our divine self (our full potential) and between our reality, the essence of yoga is living our potential. What we all are longing for and here for!

About Gaia Retreat House
The Gaia House is a retreat center for Yoga & Wellness, located in the vicinity of a natural forest, which resides in the “Werra Meissner Nature Reserve". This area is surrounded by lush forests, flowing rivers, mountains, lakes, and small villages. It is well known for its hiking, cycling, and canoe activities (look at our The region page to learn more about the outdoor activities in the area).
Gaia has 10 guest rooms, suitable for up to 18 guests, a vegetarian/vegan kitchen, a large and bright dining room, a yoga studio, meeting, and home areas, and a sauna area.
The house is hosting all-year Yoga & Wellness Retreats, as well as self-awareness, movement & creative seminars.

Gaia is located in a natural forest surrounding which resides in the “Werra Meissner nature reserve"

Cosy & homey Gaia Retreat House Germany

Are served in our homey decorative dining room Gaia Retreat House Germany

Where the Retreat take place Gaia Retreat House

The landscape is always green Gaia Retreat House Germany

Yoga Weekend retreat Feb. 2019 Gaia Retreat House

Yoga Weekend retreat Feb. 2019 Gaia Retreat House

Great for morning tea or meditation Gaia Retreat House Germany
Gaia's food experience...
The food in Gaia is an exceptional experience and a real celebration. It combines Mediterranean flavors with healthy nutrition and passionate cooking, made with lots of love and attention. Gluten-free, Lactose-free & other food sensitivities are welcome in Gaia and get suitable attention. In the retreat, we provide 2 vegan meals a day to support your physical activity. No one stays hungry with us.

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...

Gaia's food made with love & passion...
Location & How to get here
Travel from Frankfurt International Airport (or any major European city) by train to the town of Kassel. From Kassel, take the public tram and a bus to our village. From there, we can pick you up. Our address is:
Am Jägerhof 7, 37235, Hessisch Lichtenau - Germany.

ICE >> Direction: Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe
(Than take the STR4 tram at the platform outside of the station)
STR4 >> Direction: Bürgerhaus, Hessisch Lichtenau
(Get off at Bürgerhaus station - Takes 1.08 hours)
BUS 200 >> Direction: Stadtbahnhof, Eschwege
(Get off at Küchen station, then walk 10 minutes or call us)

Ready to book this Yoga Teacher Training?
Please fill the booking form and we will get back to you within 72 hours
to finalize the booking & payment
Booking form
Booking and Cancellations
To secure your booking, a non-refundable advance payment of 900 Euros is required upon your reservation. The remaining balance is to be paid 90 days before the Training arrival date. You can also pay the remaining balance with a 6 successive monthly installments commitment.
Your registration binds a commitment to pay the total amount of the TTC 200H yearly training.
Cancellation notification less than 90 days before the date of arrival: Full refund minus the advance payment. Cancellation notification less than 60 days before the date of arrival: 50% refund. Cancellation notification less than 30 days before the date of arrival or no-show: no refund.
In the event of any future forced lockdowns/regulations that will cause cancelations of our Retreats, your payment will turn into a stored credit and you will get a one-year voucher to re-schedule your arrival.
The payment does not include airline tickets, transportation, car rental, travel insurance, and personal expenses.
Check-in and check-out times are flexible.
Health problems must be reported to us in writing in advance.
Bank transfers or PayPal (if using a major credit card, no PayPal account is needed) are accepted.
Have a question, send us an email to

Useful Information
If you come from a non-EU country, pls check this link to know if you need a visa to enter Germany.
Make sure your passport is valid for more than 90 days.
To walk inside the house slippers are recommended.
No need to bring a yoga mat unless you really like yours.
For dining, a comfortable casual outfit is good enough.
For the use of the sauna please bring a swimsuit.
Gaia is an allergy-free house, therefore we do not allow pets in the house.
230V Euro/German Plug (types C and F plugs).
Seasonal Information
From November to the beginning of March it is winter here and can be very cold and can snow.
From April to the end of August the weather is nice and can be chilly or rainy at times. An umbrella could be useful.
Depending on the weather, you can go hiking in the beautiful Werra Meissner natural reserve.
In the town of Bad Sooden, you can enjoy a great Terme.
When there is enough snow, there is a ski trail on the top of the Meissner mountain, 10 minute drive from here.
If you are planning to walk outside the night outside, please bring a flashlight with you.
Have you more questions, feel free to contact us
and we will get back to you shortly